1.1 CID匹配和过滤统计结果
Bash $ cat /path/to/output/01T.mapping/V350248064_L01_read_1.CIDMap.stat ... unique_CID_in_mask: 551164442 unique_CID_in_fq: 82769358 total_reads: 325558079 CID_with_N_reads: 223 0.00 % CID_mapped_reads: 263145167 80.83 % CID_exactly_mapped_reads: 215239025 66.11 % CID_mapped_reads_with_mismatch: 47905919 14.72 % discarded_MID_reads: 9502982 2.92 % MID_with_N_reads: 62668 0.02 % MID_with_polyA_reads: 7625 0.00 % MID_with_low_quality_base_reads: 9432689 2.90 % reads_with_dnb: 14643107 4.50 % reads_with_adapter: 11536847 3.54 % short_reads_filtered_with_polyA: 7402775 2.27 % reads_with_polyA: 9930604 3.05 % reads_with_rRNA: 0 0.00 % Q10_bases_in_seq: 99.20 % Q20_bases_in_seq: 97.40 % Q30_bases_in_seq: 91.14 % Q10_bases_in_MID: 98.29 % Q20_bases_in_MID: 95.14 % Q30_bases_in_MID: 85.33 % Q10_bases_in_CID: 98.99 % Q20_bases_in_CID: 96.99 % Q30_bases_in_CID: 89.18 %
1.2 参考基因组比对统计
bash $ cat /path/to/output/01T.mapping/V350248064_L01_read_1.Log.final.out ... Number of input reads | 220059456 Average input read length | 49 UNIQUE READS: Uniquely mapped reads number | 101482044 Uniquely mapped reads % | 46.12% Average mapped length | 47.22 Number of splices: Total | 2446345 Number of splices: Annotated (sjdb) | 2108691 Number of splices: GT/AG | 2315419 Number of splices: GC/AG | 24032 Number of splices: AT/AC | 2288 Number of splices: Non-canonical | 104606 Mismatch rate per base, % | 1.70% Deletion rate per base | 0.04% Deletion average length | 2.88 Insertion rate per base | 0.01% Insertion average length | 1.08 MULTI-MAPPING READS: Number of reads mapped to multiple loci | 62340513 % of reads mapped to multiple loci | 28.33% Number of reads mapped to too many loci | 3625826 % of reads mapped to too many loci | 1.65% UNMAPPED READS: Number of reads unmapped: too many mismatches | 0 % of reads unmapped: too many mismatches | 0.00% Number of reads unmapped: too short | 52344265 % of reads unmapped: too short | 23.79% Number of reads unmapped: other | 266808 % of reads unmapped: other | 0.12% CHIMERIC READS: Number of chimeric reads | 0 % of chimeric reads | 0.00%
1.3 mapping BAM示例
bash $ samtools view /path/to/output/01T.mapping/V350248064_L01_read_1.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam | head -2 V350248064L1C002R00801053349 0 1 3000093 255 13S37M * 0 0 TTAGACCACTTGATGTGCTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTGGGTGG BCBA>FFE96CB7;C-;48A<9@BCC@C;BADBABDCDAD@C5.+#4-@@ NH:i:1 HI:i:1 AS:i:34 nM:i:1 Cx:i:18567 Cy:i:12717 UR:Z:C559D V350248064L1C003R04700229281 0 1 3000093 3 13S36M1S * 0 0 ACTTAGCACTTGATGTGCTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTGGGTGT B@DDECDDE?=E0?C;>??C@DAADDCBDDDCDDCCBBCCDDD)''&#"BNH:i:2 HI:i:1 AS:i:33 nM:i:1 Cx:i:14384 Cy:i:8392 UR:Z:72BC7
bash $ head /path/to/output/02T.merge/A02677B5.merge.barcodeReadsCount.txt 0 4885 1 0 5494 1 0 7252 1 0 7263 1 0 7392 1 0 8929 1 0 9063 2 0 12673 7 0 12845 4 0 14828 1
3. count
3.1 MID过滤和基因注释结果统计
bash $ cat /path/to/output/03T.count/A02677B5.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.merge.q10.dedup.target.bam.summary.stat ## FILTER & DEDUPLICATION METRICS TOTAL_READS PASS_FILTER ANNOTATED_READS UNIQUE_READS FAIL_FILTER_RATE FAIL_ANNOTATE_RATEDUPLICATION_RATE 497134569 306509812 203236286 112788155 38.34 33.69 44.50 ## ANNOTATION METRICS TOTAL_READS MAP EXONIC INTRONIC INTERGENIC TRANSCRIPTOME ANTISENSE 306509812 306509812 159125426 44110860 103273526 203236286 89162163 100.0 100.0 51.9 14.4 33.7 66.3 29.1
3.2 注释结果BAM示例
$ samtools view /path/to/output/03T.count/A02677B5.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.merge.q10.dedup.target.bam | head -2 V350248064L1C002R00801053349 0 1 3000093 255 13S37M * 0 0 TTAGACCACTTGATGTGCTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTGGGTGG BCBA>FFE96CB7;C-;48A<9@BCC@C;BADBABDCDAD@C5.+#4-@@ NH:i:1 HI:i:1 AS:i:34 nM:i:1 Cx:i:18567 Cy:i:12717 UR:Z:C559D XF:i:2 V350248064L1C003R04700229281 512 1 3000093 3 13S36M1S * 0 0 ACTTAGCACTTGATGTGCTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTGGGTGT B@DDECDDE?=E0?C;>??C@DAADDCBDDDCDDCCBBCCDDD)''&#"BNH:i:2 HI:i:1 AS:i:33 nM:i:1 Cx:i:14384 Cy:i:8392 UR:Z:72BC7
3.3 count基因表达文件示例
bash $ h5dump -n /path/to/output/03T.count/A02677B5.raw.gef HDF5 "/path/to/output/03T.count/A02677B5.raw.gef" { FILE_CONTENTS { group / group /geneExp group /geneExp/bin1 dataset /geneExp/bin1/exon dataset /geneExp/bin1/expression dataset /geneExp/bin1/gene } } $ h5dump -d /geneExp/bin1/expression /path/to/output/03T.count/A02677B5.raw.gef | head -15 HDF5 "/path/to/output/03T.count/A02677B5.raw.gef" { DATASET "/geneExp/bin1/expression" { DATATYPE H5T_COMPOUND { H5T_STD_U32LE "x"; H5T_STD_U32LE "y"; H5T_STD_U8LE "count"; } DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 97081672 ) / ( 97081672 ) } DATA { (0): { 2630, 8744, 1 }, (1): { $ h5dump -d /geneExp/bin1/gene /path/to/output/03T.count/A02677B5.raw.gef | head -20 HDF5 "/path/to/output/03T.count/A02677B5.raw.gef" { DATASET "/geneExp/bin1/gene" { DATATYPE H5T_COMPOUND { H5T_STRING { STRSIZE 64; STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM; CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII; CTYPE H5T_C_S1; } "gene"; H5T_STD_U32LE "offset"; H5T_STD_U32LE "count"; } DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 27445 ) / ( 27445 ) } DATA { (0): { "0610005C13Rik", 0, 799 }, (1): {
3.4 count抽样文件
bash $ head -8 /path/to/output/03T.count/A02677B5_raw_barcode_gene_exp.txt x y geneIndex MIDIndex readCount 12053 13111 14468 282639 2 7295 9953 14469 599164 1 21748 23094 14469 477127 1 11735 13821 14470 400133 5 16697 12775 14470 411141 1 3790 22503 14470 119157 1 13954 13219 14470 413356 1
bash $ cat /path/to/01P.mapping/A02677B5_map.stat ... unique_CID_in_mask: 551164442 unique_CID_in_fq: 74809591 total_reads: 573659235 duplication_rate: 59.07 % CID_mapped_reads: 475103289 82.82 % CID_exactly_mapped_read: 404140856 70.45 % CID_mapped_reads_with_mismatch: 70962433 12.37 % CID_with_N_reads: 7354 0.00 % discarded_MID_reads: 1489710 0.26 % MID_with_N_reads: 4583 0.00 % MID_with_low_quality_base_reads: 1485127 0.26 % PID_mapped_reads: 427761398 90.32 % PID_exactly_mapped_reads: 398063274 84.05 % PID_mapped_reads_with_mismatch: 29698124 6.27 % PID_mapped_unique_reads: 175086793 36.97 % Q10_bases_in_CID: 99.70 % Q20_bases_in_CID: 97.63 % Q30_bases_in_CID: 87.72 % Q10_bases_in_MID: 99.63 % Q20_bases_in_MID: 97.41 % Q30_bases_in_MID: 88.10 % Q10_bases_in_ADT: 99.49 % Q20_bases_in_ADT: 97.49 % Q30_bases_in_ADT: 93.44 %
4.2 CID 对应reads数列表示例
bash $ head /path/to/01P.mapping/A02677B5_valid_cid_reads.tsv x y readCount 13012 22382 2 4261 13080 2 16225 13353 14 9533 4088 4 18486 23899 3 13971 16291 9 9013 5905 1 4549 8517 3 13751 18063 23
4.3 mapping-SP 抽样文件示例
bash $ head /path/to/01P.mapping/A02677B5_cid_pid_mid_reads.tsv x y PIDIndex MID readCount 232 26091 0 291549 4 2042 8307 0 611198 3 2238 3469 0 483548 1 2525 1134 0 417813 3 2616 20068 0 788601 7 3557 11877 0 416037 2 3698 10004 0 419111 1 3698 19417 0 422891 1 3698 19547 0 139153 1
4.4 mapping-SP蛋白表达矩阵文件示例
$ h5dump -n /path/to/01P.mapping-SP/A02677B5.protein.raw.gef HDF5 "/path/to/01P.mapping-SP/A02677B5.protein.raw.gef" { FILE_CONTENTS { group / group /geneExp group /geneExp/bin1 dataset /geneExp/bin1/expression dataset /geneExp/bin1/gene } } $ h5dump -d /geneExp/bin1/expression /path/to/01P.mapping-SP/A02677B5.protein.raw.gef|head -15 HDF5 "/path/to/01P.mapping-SP/A02677B5.protein.raw.gef" { DATASET "/geneExp/bin1/expression" { DATATYPE H5T_COMPOUND { H5T_STD_I32LE "x"; H5T_STD_I32LE "y"; H5T_STD_U8LE "count"; } DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 152263461 ) / ( 152263461 ) } DATA { (0): { 11408, 5590, 2 }, (1): { $ h5dump -d /geneExp/bin1/gene /path/to/01P.mapping-SP/A02677B5.protein.raw.gef|head -20 HDF5 "/path/to/01P.mapping-SP/A02677B5.protein.raw.gef" { DATASET "/geneExp/bin1/gene" { DATATYPE H5T_COMPOUND { H5T_STRING { STRSIZE 64; STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM; CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII; CTYPE H5T_C_S1; } "gene"; H5T_STD_U32LE "offset"; H5T_STD_U32LE "count"; } DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 128 ) / ( 128 ) } DATA { (0): { "Ly49D_Ms", 0, 45274 }, (1): {
5.1 校准后的完整GEFs 基因表达矩阵示例
bash $ h5dump -n /path/to/output/04.calibration/A02677B5.gef HDF5 "/path/to/output/04.calibration/A02677B5.gef" { FILE_CONTENTS { group / group /geneExp group /geneExp/bin1 dataset /geneExp/bin1/exon dataset /geneExp/bin1/expression dataset /geneExp/bin1/gene group /geneExp/bin10 dataset /geneExp/bin10/exon dataset /geneExp/bin10/expression dataset /geneExp/bin10/gene group /geneExp/bin100 dataset /geneExp/bin100/exon dataset /geneExp/bin100/expression dataset /geneExp/bin100/gene group /geneExp/bin150 dataset /geneExp/bin150/exon dataset /geneExp/bin150/expression dataset /geneExp/bin150/gene group /geneExp/bin20 dataset /geneExp/bin20/exon dataset /geneExp/bin20/expression dataset /geneExp/bin20/gene group /geneExp/bin200 dataset /geneExp/bin200/exon dataset /geneExp/bin200/expression dataset /geneExp/bin200/gene group /geneExp/bin5 dataset /geneExp/bin5/exon dataset /geneExp/bin5/expression dataset /geneExp/bin5/gene group /geneExp/bin50 dataset /geneExp/bin50/exon dataset /geneExp/bin50/expression dataset /geneExp/bin50/gene group /stat dataset /stat/gene group /wholeExp dataset /wholeExp/bin1 dataset /wholeExp/bin10 dataset /wholeExp/bin100 dataset /wholeExp/bin150 dataset /wholeExp/bin20 dataset /wholeExp/bin200 dataset /wholeExp/bin5 dataset /wholeExp/bin50 group /wholeExpExon dataset /wholeExpExon/bin1 dataset /wholeExpExon/bin10 dataset /wholeExpExon/bin100 dataset /wholeExpExon/bin150 dataset /wholeExpExon/bin20 dataset /wholeExpExon/bin200 dataset /wholeExpExon/bin5 dataset /wholeExpExon/bin50 } } $ h5dump -d /stat/gene /path/to/output/04.calibration/A02677B5.gef | head -20 HDF5 "/path/to/output/04.calibration/A02677B5.gef" { DATASET "/stat/gene" { DATATYPE H5T_COMPOUND { H5T_STRING { STRSIZE 64; STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM; CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII; CTYPE H5T_C_S1; } "gene"; H5T_STD_U32LE "MIDcount"; H5T_IEEE_F32LE "E10"; } DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 27445 ) / ( 27445 ) } DATA { (0): { "Gm42418", 24328473, 77.1551 }, (1): { $ h5dump -n /path/to/output/04.calibration/A02677B5.protein.gef HDF5 "/path/to/output/04.calibration/A02677B5.protein.gef" { FILE_CONTENTS { group / group /geneExp group /geneExp/bin1 dataset /geneExp/bin1/expression dataset /geneExp/bin1/gene group /geneExp/bin10 dataset /geneExp/bin10/expression dataset /geneExp/bin10/gene group /geneExp/bin100 dataset /geneExp/bin100/expression dataset /geneExp/bin100/gene group /geneExp/bin150 dataset /geneExp/bin150/expression dataset /geneExp/bin150/gene group /geneExp/bin20 dataset /geneExp/bin20/expression dataset /geneExp/bin20/gene group /geneExp/bin200 dataset /geneExp/bin200/expression dataset /geneExp/bin200/gene group /geneExp/bin5 dataset /geneExp/bin5/expression dataset /geneExp/bin5/gene group /geneExp/bin50 dataset /geneExp/bin50/expression dataset /geneExp/bin50/gene group /stat dataset /stat/gene group /wholeExp dataset /wholeExp/bin1 dataset /wholeExp/bin10 dataset /wholeExp/bin100 dataset /wholeExp/bin150 dataset /wholeExp/bin20 dataset /wholeExp/bin200 dataset /wholeExp/bin5 dataset /wholeExp/bin50 } } $ h5dump -d /stat/gene /path/to/output/04.calibration/A02677B5.protein.gef | head -20 HDF5 "/path/to/output/04.calibration/A02677B5.protein.gef" { DATASET "/stat/gene" { DATATYPE H5T_COMPOUND { H5T_STRING { STRSIZE 64; STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM; CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII; CTYPE H5T_C_S1; } "gene"; H5T_STD_U32LE "MIDcount"; H5T_IEEE_F32LE "E10"; } DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 128 ) / ( 128 ) } DATA { (0): { "CD3_Ms", 19264971, 73.0514 }, (1): {
6. register and imageTools
6.2 ImageTools merge
可通过ImageTools merge 确认组织和细胞分割。请查看<转录组测试数据结果展示> 4.3 ImageTools merge 部分了解更多信息。
6.3 ImageTools overlay
可通过ImageTools merge 确认组织和细胞分割。请查看<转录组测试数据结果展示> 4.4 ImageTools overlay 部分了解更多信息。
6.4 图像处理过程记录文件
bash $ h5dump -n /path/to/output/05.register/A02677B5_SC_20240222_150321_3.0.3.ipr HDF5 "/path/to/output/05.register/A02677B5_SC_20240222_150321_3.0.3.ipr" { FILE_CONTENTS { group / group /DAPI group /DAPI/CellSeg dataset /DAPI/CellSeg/CellMask dataset /DAPI/CellSeg/CellSegTrace group /DAPI/ImageInfo dataset /DAPI/ImageInfo/RGBScale group /DAPI/QCInfo dataset /DAPI/QCInfo/ClarityArr group /DAPI/QCInfo/CrossPoints dataset /DAPI/QCInfo/CrossPoints/0_0 ... dataset /DAPI/QCInfo/CrossPoints/8_6 group /DAPI/Register dataset /DAPI/Register/MatrixTemplate group /DAPI/Stitch group /DAPI/Stitch/ScopeStitch dataset /DAPI/Stitch/ScopeStitch/GlobalLoc dataset /DAPI/Stitch/ScopeStitch/ScopeHorizontalJitter dataset /DAPI/Stitch/ScopeStitch/ScopeJitterDiff dataset /DAPI/Stitch/ScopeStitch/ScopeVerticalJitter group /DAPI/Stitch/StitchEval dataset /DAPI/Stitch/StitchEval/GlobalDeviation dataset /DAPI/Stitch/StitchEval/StitchEvalH dataset /DAPI/Stitch/StitchEval/StitchEvalV dataset /DAPI/Stitch/TemplatePoint dataset /DAPI/Stitch/TransformTemplate group /DAPI/TissueSeg dataset /DAPI/TissueSeg/TissueMask group /ManualState dataset /Preview group /StereoResepSwitch } } $ h5dump -A /path/to/output/05.register/A02677B5_SC_20240222_150321_3.0.3.ipr | head -20 HDF5 "/path/to/output/05.register/A02677B5_SC_20240222_150321_3.0.3.ipr" { GROUP "/" { ATTRIBUTE "IPRVersion" { DATATYPE H5T_STRING { STRSIZE H5T_VARIABLE; STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM; CSET H5T_CSET_UTF8; CTYPE H5T_C_S1; } DATASPACE SCALAR DATA { (0): "0.2.0" } } GROUP "DAPI" { GROUP "CellSeg" { ATTRIBUTE "CellSegShape" { DATATYPE H5T_STD_I64LE DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 2 ) / ( 2 ) } DATA {
7. tissueCut
bash $ cat /path/to/output/06T.tissuecut/tissuecut.statContour_area: 48203139 Contour_area: 48203139 Number_of_DNB_under_tissue: 23455424 Ratio: 48.66% Total_gene_type: 26611 MID_counts: 84007203 Fraction_MID_in_spots_under_tissue: 74.48% Reads_under_tissue: 491750982 Fraction_reads_in_spots_under_tissue: 60.89% binSize=1 Mean_reads_per_spot: 18.28 Median_reads_per_spot: 16.00 Mean_gene_type_per_spot: 3.02 Median_gene_type_per_spot: 3 Mean_Umi_per_spot: 3.58 Median_Umi_per_spot: 3 binSize=20 Mean_reads_per_spot: 4037.53 Median_reads_per_spot: 4161.00 Mean_gene_type_per_spot: 401.42 Median_gene_type_per_spot: 415 Mean_Umi_per_spot: 689.86 Median_Umi_per_spot: 716 binSize=50 Mean_reads_per_spot: 24815.86 Median_reads_per_spot: 25896.00 Mean_gene_type_per_spot: 1868.18 Median_gene_type_per_spot: 1963 Mean_Umi_per_spot: 4239.79 Median_Umi_per_spot: 4450 binSize=100 Mean_reads_per_spot: 96725.21 Median_reads_per_spot: 102585.00 Mean_gene_type_per_spot: 4617.22 Median_gene_type_per_spot: 4912 Mean_Umi_per_spot: 16530.34 Median_Umi_per_spot: 17600 binSize=150 Mean_reads_per_spot: 211870.31 Median_reads_per_spot: 227950.00 Mean_gene_type_per_spot: 6723.55 Median_gene_type_per_spot: 7212 Mean_Umi_per_spot: 36194.40 Median_Umi_per_spot: 38985 binSize=200 Mean_reads_per_spot: 368628.94 Median_reads_per_spot: 401073.00 Mean_gene_type_per_spot: 8267.19 Median_gene_type_per_spot: 8889 Mean_Umi_per_spot: 63021.16 Median_Umi_per_spot: 68799
$ cat /path/to/06P.tissuecut/tissuecut.stat # Tissue Statistic Analysis with Stain Image Contour_area: 48203139 Number_of_DNB_under_tissue: 24749871 Ratio: 51.34% Total_protein_type: 128 MID_counts: 113480216 Fraction_MID_in_spots_under_tissue: 64.84% Reads_under_tissue: 310743393 Fraction_reads_in_spots_under_tissue: 65.41% binSize=1 Mean_reads_per_spot: 12.42 Median_reads_per_spot: 10.00 Mean_protein_type_per_spot: 3.85 Median_protein_type_per_spot: 3 Mean_Umi_per_spot: 4.59 Median_Umi_per_spot: 4 binSize=20 Mean_reads_per_spot: 2551.64 Median_reads_per_spot: 2541.00 Mean_protein_type_per_spot: 91.29 Median_protein_type_per_spot: 93 Mean_Umi_per_spot: 931.85 Median_Umi_per_spot: 930 binSize=50 Mean_reads_per_spot: 15683.81 Median_reads_per_spot: 15822.00 Mean_protein_type_per_spot: 119.51 Median_protein_type_per_spot: 122 Mean_Umi_per_spot: 5727.85 Median_Umi_per_spot: 5791 binSize=100Mean_reads_per_spot: 61133.86 Median_reads_per_spot: 62505.00 Mean_protein_type_per_spot: 125.57 Median_protein_type_per_spot: 128 Mean_Umi_per_spot: 22325.44 Median_Umi_per_spot: 22867 binSize=150 Mean_reads_per_spot: 133883.41 Median_reads_per_spot: 139390.00 Mean_protein_type_per_spot: 125.91 Median_protein_type_per_spot: 128 Mean_Umi_per_spot: 48892.81 Median_Umi_per_spot: 51058 binSize=200 Mean_reads_per_spot: 233115.83 Median_reads_per_spot: 245086.00 Mean_protein_type_per_spot: 126.11 Median_protein_type_per_spot: 128 Mean_Umi_per_spot: 85131.45 Median_Umi_per_spot: 89608
7.2 组织覆盖区域基因表达矩阵示例
$ h5dump -n /path/to/output/06T.tissuecut/A02677B5.tissue.gef HDF5 "/path/to/output/06T.tissuecut/A02677B5.tissue.gef" { FILE_CONTENTS { group / group /geneExp group /geneExp/bin1 dataset /geneExp/bin1/exon dataset /geneExp/bin1/expression dataset /geneExp/bin1/gene } } $ h5dump -d /geneExp/bin1/expression /path/to/output/06T.tissuecut/A02677B5.tissue.gef | head -15 HDF5 "/path/to/output/06T.tissuecut/A02677B5.tissue.gef" { DATASET "/geneExp/bin1/expression" { DATATYPE H5T_COMPOUND { H5T_STD_I32LE "x"; H5T_STD_I32LE "y"; H5T_STD_U8LE "count"; } DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 70724787 ) / ( 70724787 ) } DATA { (0): { 9713, 15266, 1 }, (1): { $ h5dump -d /geneExp/bin1/gene /path/to/output/06T.tissuecut/A02677B5.tissue.gef | head -20 HDF5 "/path/to/output/06T.tissuecut/A02677B5.tissue.gef" { DATASET "/geneExp/bin1/gene" { DATATYPE H5T_COMPOUND { H5T_STRING { STRSIZE 64; STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM; CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII; CTYPE H5T_C_S1; } "gene"; H5T_STD_U32LE "offset"; H5T_STD_U32LE "count"; } DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 26611 ) / ( 26611 ) } DATA { (0): { "0610005C13Rik", 0, 322 }, (1): { $ h5dump -n /path/to/06P.tissuecut/A02677B5.protein.tissue.gef HDF5 "/path/to/06P.tissuecut/A02677B5.protein.tissue.gef" { FILE_CONTENTS { group / group /geneExp group /geneExp/bin1 dataset /geneExp/bin1/expression dataset /geneExp/bin1/gene } }$ h5dump -d /geneExp/bin1/expression /path/to/output/06P.tissuecut/A02677B5.protein.tissue.gef | head -15HDF5 "/path/to/06P.tissuecut/A02677B5.protein.tissue.gef" { DATASET "/geneExp/bin1/expression" { DATATYPE H5T_COMPOUND { H5T_STD_I32LE "x"; H5T_STD_I32LE "y"; H5T_STD_U8LE "count"; } DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 95273207 ) / ( 95273207 ) } DATA { (0): { 11411, 14924, 1 }, (1): { $ h5dump -d /geneExp/bin1/gene /path/to/output/06P.tissuecut/A02677B5.protein.tissue.gef | head -20HDF5 "/path/to/output/06P.tissuecut/A02677B5.protein.tissue.gef" { DATASET "/geneExp/bin1/gene" { DATATYPE H5T_COMPOUND { H5T_STRING { STRSIZE 64; STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM; CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII; CTYPE H5T_C_S1; } "gene"; H5T_STD_U32LE "offset"; H5T_STD_U32LE "count"; } DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 128 ) / ( 128 ) } DATA { (0): { "Ly49D_Ms", 0, 16828 }, (1): {
8. cellCut
bash $ h5dump -n /path/to/output/061T.cellcut/A02677B5.cellbin.gef HDF5 "/path/to/output/061T.cellcut/A02677B5.cellbin.gef" { FILE_CONTENTS { group / group /cellBin dataset /cellBin/blockIndex dataset /cellBin/blockSize dataset /cellBin/cell dataset /cellBin/cellBorder dataset /cellBin/cellExon dataset /cellBin/cellExp dataset /cellBin/cellExpExon dataset /cellBin/cellTypeList dataset /cellBin/gene dataset /cellBin/geneExon dataset /cellBin/geneExp dataset /cellBin/geneExpExon } }
$ h5dump -n /path/to/061P.cellcut/A02677B5.protein.cellbin.gef HDF5 "/path/to/061P.cellcut/A02677B5.protein.cellbin.gef" { FILE_CONTENTS { group / group /cellBin dataset /cellBin/blockIndex dataset /cellBin/blockSize dataset /cellBin/cell dataset /cellBin/cellBorder dataset /cellBin/cellExp dataset /cellBin/cellTypeList dataset /cellBin/gene dataset /cellBin/geneExp } }
9. 测序饱和度
$ cat /path/to/output/08T.saturation/sequence_saturation.tsv sample bar_x bar_y1 bar_y2 bar_umi bin_x bin_y1 bin_y2 bin_umi 0.05 10161815 0.0526077 1 9627224 10161815 0.0686479 2668 5671 0.1 20323630 0.0976586 1 18338852 20323630 0.116931 4021 10804 0.2 40647260 0.172483 1 33636299 40647260 0.194497 5585 19816 0.3 60970888 0.232096 2 46819785 60970888 0.254876 6499 27583 0.4 81294520 0.281427 2 58416019 81294520 0.30439 7118 34415 0.5 101618144 0.322769 2 68818922 101618144 0.345701 7570 40544 0.6 121941776 0.358552 2 78219368 121941776 0.381207 7926 46083 0.7 142265392 0.389758 2 86816303 142265392 0.412077 8228 51147 0.8 162589040 0.417262 2 94746848 162589040 0.439195 8447 55820 0.9 182912656 0.441618 2 102135187 182912656 0.463109 8659 60173 1 203236286 0.46353 3 109030103 203236286 0.484589 8817 63276
bash $ cat /path/to/output/08P.saturation/sequence_saturation.tsv sample bar_x bar_y1 bar_y2 bar_umi bin_x bin_y1 bin_y2 bin_umi 0.05 21388070 0.0631674 1 20037040 21388070 0.0888825 126 10218 0.1 42776140 0.120048 1 37640944 42776140 0.150368 128 19197 0.2 85552280 0.217101 2 66978781 85552280 0.249677 128 34159 0.3 128328424 0.296905 2 90227130 128328424 0.32905 128 46016 0.4 171104560 0.363266 2 108948120 171104560 0.394026 128 55564 0.5 213880704 0.418843 3 124298217 213880704 0.447933 128 63392 0.6 256656848 0.466254 3 136989686 256656848 0.493682 128 69865 0.7 299432992 0.506823 3 147673538 299432992 0.532617 128 75314 0.8 342209120 0.541944 3 156750875 342209120 0.566236 128 79943 0.9 384985248 0.572588 3 164547428 384985248 0.595516 128 83919 1 427761398 0.59948 3 171326815 427761398 0.62115 128 86073
10. report-PT
$ head /path/to/10.report/A02677B5.statistics.json" { "version": "version_v2", "1.Filter_and_Map": { "1.1.Adapter_Filter": [ { "Sample_id": "V350248064_L03_read_1", "getCIDPositionMap_uniqCIDTypes": "551164442", "total_reads": "336354182", "CID_withN_reads": "523 (0.00 %)", "mapped_reads": "269471919 (80.12 %)",
10.2 蛋白组和转录组分析结果统计报告示例
分析结果统计报告为HTML格式,可通过SAW Github获取。报告静态示例可参考文件《SAW v7.1 pt report》。